Since using ESRconnect we are finding that it provides many useful time and cost saving benefits. Whilst we have not been doing detailed payslip checking for some time now, ESRconnect gives us a facility to do high level checking of payslips, making it easy to spot spurious allowances, deductions or amounts that have been processed. Our checking systems are now much more efficient due to the flexibility that ESRconnect provides us with.
Other benefits of the product include:-
- The ability to attach Payroll staff names to all reports produced (including at individual payslip level), making it very easy to allocate payrolls for checking.
- The ability to get payslip history reports without having to wait for ESR’s overnight processing of similar reports.
- You can easily flip back and see what was paid last month when carrying out routine checking work.
- It gives you a perfect cross Trust employee lookup, with details of clerks and extensions (perfect if you have more than one VPD). This is the perfect tool for creating a lookup list for post and telephone call distribution.
- You can highlight and make notes of any problems on pay slips.
- You can add out of period payments to give you a ‘true’ payroll history.
- The Payroll staff prefer doing their sample payslips checks using Excel style payslips
- I would recommend ESRconnect as a very worthwhile investment
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