We have been a customer of ESRconnect for over 7 years and can honestly say we wouldn’t be without it. The functionality saves us countless hours of checking time each month and allows us to interrogate all payslips together, to pick out exceptions, check current and historical data together and identify anomalies with speed, ease and confidence. It is widely used on a daily basis to run and create both ESR loaded and bespoke reports and is especially advantageous when working out complex calculations for multiple pay periods. Being fast and simple to extract a report for any; or all employees, and for any; or just selected elements, then to be able to manipulate it with ease is an excellent and efficient way to work.
In terms of technical support the ESR Connect team provides – Paul, Shaun and Steve could not be more obliging, they are friendly and responsive and are constantly on hand to assist should any problem occur (although this are exceptionally rare), or simply for general advice. They are fastidious in their approach and should it need one, ensuring a solution is found promptly. They are continually developing the system and actively seek feedback and suggestions for new reports or functionality; they have on a number occasions created new reports we have requested to add benefit and minimise time required for some of our working processes.
To summarise, for us ESR Connect is an integral and invaluable system, it is fast, effective, precise and if you don’t have it already – go out there and get it!
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